We invite you with much plesure to the international youth competition organized to the memory of Irén Zságot, Balla Béla and Müller László (diving coaches). The swimming pool is in the area of The Airforce Academy of Szolnok which is 100 kilometres from Budapest.

Driving directions to Airforce Academy of Szolnok.
(91.3 km – about 1 hour 19 mins)

Head west on Ferihegy II. Terminal Érkezés toward Ferihegy II. Terminal Indulás

Continue on Ferihegyi Repülotérre Vezeto út

Merge onto 4/Ferihegyi Repülotérre Vezeto út via the ramp to Szolnok/M0
Continue to follow 4
Go through 1 roundabout

Take the ramp to Szolnok

Merge onto 4/405/E60
Continue to follow 4/E60
Go through 1 roundabout

Take the 442 exit toward Martfű/Szolnok Centrum/Besenyszög

Turn right at 442/Kocsoros utca
Continue to follow 442
Turn left at Kilián György utca
Destination will be on the right

GoogleMap Directory
query("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "p228_markers as m LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "p228_categories as c ON m.catid=c.catid WHERE $query = '1' ORDER BY m.catid,m.mid"); while ($marker = $DB->fetch_array($markersall)) {$markers[]=$marker;} $catsall = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "p228_categories ORDER BY catid"); while ($cats = $DB->fetch_array($catsall)) {$categories[]=$cats;} $mainset = GetPluginSettings($pluginid,'Main Settings'); $mapset = GetPluginSettings($pluginid,'Map Settings'); $marset = GetPluginSettings($pluginid,'Marker Settings'); if(is_numeric($mid)) { $miset = $DB->query_first("SELECT lat, lon, zoom FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "p228_markers WHERE mid = $mid"); $trigger = 'p228_go_to('.$miset['lat'].','.$miset['lon'].','.$miset['zoom'].','.$mid.');'; } $maptype = $mapset['Default Map Type Control']=='standard' ? 'G_NORMAL_MAP' : ($mapset['Default Map Type Control']=='satellite' ? 'G_SATELLITE_MAP' : 'G_HYBRID_MAP'); $mapcontrol = $mapset['Map Controls']=='LargeMapControl' ? 'GLargeMapControl' : ($mapset['Map Controls']=='SmallMapControl' ? 'GSmallMapControl' : ($mapset['Map Controls']=='SmallZoomControl' ? 'GSmallZoomControl' : ( $mapset['Map Controls']=='ScaleControl' ? 'GScaleControl' : '' ) ) ) ; echo ' '.($mapset['Search Control']==1?' ':'').' '; echo '
'.$l['Dashboard'].' '.$l['Latitude'].'    '.$l['Longitude'].'     '.$l['Current Zoom'].'     '.$l['Markers :'].'  

'.$l['Categories'].' '; if(@in_array(228, $userinfo['pluginsubmitids'])) { echo ''; } $aedit = (@in_array(228, $userinfo['pluginadminids']) OR (@in_array(228, $userinfo['pluginsubmitids']) AND $mainset['Allow Edit']=='1'))?true:false; $colspan = $aedit ?'7':'6'; $mw = $mapset['Default width']; $fac = round(($mw / 100) * 3); $mw2 = $mw - $fac; $t1 = round(($mw / 100) * 40); $t2 = round(($mw / 100) * 10); $t3 = round(($mw / 100) * 15); $t4 = round(($mw / 100) * 15); $t5 = round(($mw / 100) * ($aedit ? 15 : 25)); $t6 = round(($mw / 100) * 10); $t7 = round(($mw / 100) * ($aedit ? 15 : 23)); $t8 = round(($mw / 100) * 8); echo '
 '.$l['Filter'].' :   '.$l['[Submit Locations]'].'
'.$l['Markers'].' '; if(@in_array(228, $userinfo['pluginadminids']) OR (@in_array(228, $userinfo['pluginsubmitids']) AND $mainset['Allow Edit']=='1')) { echo ''; } echo '
'.$l['Title'].' '.$l['Marker'].' '.$l['Creator'].' '.$l['Date'].' '.$l['Category'].''.$l['Edit'].'
'; if(count($markers) > 0) { foreach ($markers as $marker) { echo ' '; if(@in_array(228, $userinfo['pluginadminids']) OR (@in_array(228, $userinfo['pluginsubmitids']) AND $mainset['Allow Edit']=='1' AND $marker['username'] == $userinfo['username'])) { echo ''; } else if (@in_array(228, $userinfo['pluginsubmitids']) AND $mainset['Allow Edit']=='1') { echo ''; } echo ' '; } } else{ echo '';} echo '
'.$marker['title'].' '.$marker['username'].' '.date('Y-m-d',$marker['cdate']).' '.$marker['catname'].''.$l['Edit'].' 
'.$l['No markers were found in this category.'].'
'; } function p228_googlemap_do($action) { global $DB,$userinfo,$categoryid,$sdurl; $pluginid = 228; $p228_icons=p228_geticons(); $l = GetLanguage(228); $mainset = GetPluginSettings($pluginid,'Main Settings'); $mset = GetPluginSettings($pluginid,'Map Settings'); if ($action=='add' OR $action=='edit') { $maptype = $mset['Default Map Type Control']=='standard' ? 'G_NORMAL_MAP' : ($mset['Default Map Type Control']=='satellite' ? 'G_SATELLITE_MAP' : 'G_HYBRID_MAP'); $mapcontrol = $mset['Map Controls']=='LargeMapControl' ? 'GLargeMapControl' : ($mset['Map Controls']=='SmallMapControl' ? 'GSmallMapControl' : ($mset['Map Controls']=='SmallZoomControl' ? 'GSmallZoomControl' : ( $mset['Map Controls']=='ScaleControl' ? 'GScaleControl' : '' ) ) ) ; $catsall = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "p228_categories ORDER BY catid"); while ($cats = $DB->fetch_array($catsall)) {$categories[]=$cats;} if ($action=='edit') { $mid = $_GET['p228mid'] ? $_GET['p228mid'] : ($_POST['p228mid'] ? $_POST['p228mid'] : 'none'); $marker = $DB->query_first("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "p228_markers as m LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "p228_categories as c ON m.catid=c.catid WHERE = '1' AND m.mid = $mid LIMIT 1"); if(@in_array(228, $userinfo['pluginadminids']) OR ($mainset['Allow Edit']=='1' AND $marker['username'] == $userinfo['username'])) { $marker['cdate'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $marker['cdate']); $caption = $l['Edit Marker']; $p228action='predit'; } else {echo $l['You do not have permission to modify this entry.'];} } else if ($action=='add') { if(@in_array(228, $userinfo['pluginsubmitids']) OR @in_array(228, $userinfo['pluginadminids'])) { $marker['lat']=$mset['Default latitude']; $marker['lon']=$mset['Default longitude']; $marker['zoom']=$mset['Default zoom']; $marker['username']=$userinfo['username']; $marker['cdate'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()); $dmset = GetPluginSettings($pluginid,'Marker'); $marker['dicon'] = $dmset['Default Marker']; $marker['online'] = $mainset['Require Approval']=='1' ? '0' : '1'; $caption = $l['Add a New Marker']; $p228action='pradd'; } else {echo $l['You do not have permission to add an entry.'];} } //start if(@in_array(228, $userinfo['pluginadminids']) OR ($action=='add' AND @in_array(228, $userinfo['pluginsubmitids'])) OR ( $action=='edit' AND $mainset['Allow Edit']=='1' AND $marker['username'] == $userinfo['username'])) { echo ' '.($mset['Search Control']==1?' ':'').'
'.iif($action=='edit', '','').' '.iif(@in_array(228, $userinfo['pluginadminids']),' ','').'
'.$l['Use'].' '.$l['as address to find the location >'].'
'.$l['Image URL'].'
'.$l['Creation Date'].'
'.$l['Online Status'].'
'; } //end } else if ($action=='pradd') { if(!empty($_POST['title']) AND !empty($_POST['lat']) AND !empty($_POST['lon'])) { $user = $_POST['user'] ? ( @in_array(228, $userinfo['pluginadminids']) ? $_POST['user'] : $userinfo['username'] ) : $userinfo['username'] ; $_POST['online'] = @in_array(228, $userinfo['pluginadminids']) ? $_POST['online'] : ($mainset['Require Approval']=='1' ? '0' : '1'); $_POST['cdate'] = strtotime($_POST['cdate']); $marset = GetPluginSettings($pluginid,'Marker Settings'); if(strlen($_POST['title']) <= $marset['Balloon Title'] AND strlen($_POST['descr']) <= $marset['Balloon Text']) { if ($DB->query("INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "p228_markers (username, catid, title, lat, lon, zoom, descr, url, image, cdate, online) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s')", $user,$_POST['cat'],$_POST['title'],$_POST['lat'],$_POST['lon'],$_POST['zoom'],$_POST['descr'],$_POST['url'],$_POST['image'],$_POST['cdate'],$_POST['online'])) { $email = $mainset['Notification Email']; if ($email AND strlen($email) > 0) { //Start Email Notification $emails = explode(" ", trim(eregi_replace("[[:space:]]+", " ", str_replace(',', ' ', $email)))); $subject = 'A New Marker was added to GooglMap Directory'; $message = "\"$userinfo[username]\" has added a new marker to the Map.\n"; $message .= "Title : $_POST[title]\n"; $message .= "Username : $user\n"; $message .= "Category ID: $_POST[catid]\n"; $message .= "Latitude: $_POST[lat]\n"; $message .= "Longitude: $_POST[lon]\n"; $message .= "Zoom: $_POST[zoom]\n"; $message .= "Description: $_POST[descr]\n"; $message .= "URL: $_POST[url]\n"; $message .= "Image URL: $_POST[image]\n"; $message .= "Creation Date: ".date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $_POST[cdate])."\n"; $message .= "Online Status: ".iif($_POST['online']=='0','Offline','Online')."\n"; $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $headers .= "From: \"GoogleMap Directory\" <$email>\r\n"; $headers .= "Reply-To: \"GoogleMap Directory\" <$email>\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n"; for($i = 0; $i < count($emails); $i++) { @mail($emails[$i], $subject, $message, $headers); } //End Email Notification } echo $l['New Marker'].' "'.$_POST['title'].'" '.$l['was successfully submited.']; } else { echo $l['Error : There was an error adding the record']; } } else { echo $l['Error : Title length should not exceed'].' '.$marset['Balloon Title'].' '.$l['& Description length should not exceed'].' '.$marset['Balloon Text'].'.'; } } else { echo $l['Error : Please fill all the required fields!
(Title,Latitude,Longitude)']; } } else if ($action=='predit') { if(!empty($_POST['title']) AND !empty($_POST['lat']) AND !empty($_POST['lon'])) { $user = $_POST['user'] ? ( @in_array(228, $userinfo['pluginadminids']) ? $_POST['user'] : $userinfo['username'] ) : $userinfo['username'] ; $_POST['cdate'] = strtotime($_POST['cdate']); $marset = GetPluginSettings($pluginid,'Marker Settings'); if(strlen($_POST['title']) <= $marset['Balloon Title'] AND strlen($_POST['descr']) <= $marset['Balloon Text']) { if ($DB->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "p228_markers SET username = '%s', catid = '%s', title = '%s', lat = '%s', lon = '%s', zoom = '%s', descr = '%s', url = '%s', image = '%s', cdate = '%s', online = '%s' WHERE mid = '%s'", $user,$_POST['cat'],$_POST['title'],$_POST['lat'],$_POST['lon'],$_POST['zoom'],$_POST['descr'],$_POST['url'],$_POST['image'],$_POST['cdate'],$_POST['online'],$_POST['mid'])) { echo $l['The Marker'].' "'.$_POST['title'].'" '.$l['was successfully saved.']; } else { echo $l['Error : There was an error saving the record.']; } } else { echo $l['Error : Title length should not exceed'].' '.$marset['Balloon Title'].' '.$l['& Description length should not exceed'].' '.$marset['Balloon Text'].'.'; } } else { echo $l['Error : Please fill all the required fields!
(Title,Latitude,Longitude)']; } } } function p228_geticons(){ global $DB; $iconsdb = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "p228_icons ORDER BY iid"); while ($icons = $DB->fetch_array($iconsdb)) { $id=$icons['iid']; $icon[$id]=$icons; } return $icon; } $p228action = $_POST['p228action'] ? $_POST['p228action'] : ($_GET['p228action'] ? $_GET['p228action'] : 'none'); $p228actionarray = array('add','edit','pradd','predit'); if (in_array($p228action,$p228actionarray) ) { p228_googlemap_do($p228action); } else { p228_googlemap(); } ?>